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Airetrex 365


My Contribution

On the best of days, convincing customers about the efficacy of a home air sanitizer that claims to kill all common airborne viruses is...a tough order. Now, do it amidst a once-in-a-generation global pandemic. Now, do it without being able to make any substantive data claims. That was Airetrex.

The not-so-sweet science

To be fair, it's not that there was NO data about product efficacy — it's just that all the data was internal and not validated by third-party sources. And the client wasn't in any kind of hurry to get it evaluated. All we had to stand on was that UV-C technology in general had been shown to be effective, so everything had to piggyback off of that existing scientific research.

I spent an entire week reading through scientific journals (including one originally written in Russian, which was an experience), synthesizing the data and turning it into an annotated Research page. Yeah, I do my homework.

My kingdom for a degree in microbiology

My other contribution was content creation for the blog section. I thought to take customer FAQs from Amazon and to answer them in short-form blog posts written with a clear, common-sense approach. To my knowledge, there really wasn't any content on the web that filled the same information niche. I mean, it took me forever to find actual answers on any of this stuff; the least I could do was to show my work for others.

No question, the simplicity of it goes a long way to boost the product's credibility.

David O, Airetrex 365 Marketing Director

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