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Welcome Books


My Contribution

Following their rebrand, one of the primary tenet's of Cox Communication's new brand was to "talk like a real person." One of their primary points of customer friction, however, was their needlessly convoluted onboarding materials for new customers.

Here's a thought

The first order of business was to make their Welcome know, welcoming. Crazy, I know. By streamlining the content, standardizing the terminology and using a more conversational tone of voice, we were able to actually make guides that didn't require their own annotated bibliography or reference compendium. The first book we did was for their primary services (TV, internet, phone):

The first book went so well that we were asked to give the same treatment to their home automation welcome book too. This one had even more jargon and opaque descriptions than the first, but I think the end result still managed to feel clean and approachable for new users:

I've been handing these kinds of things out for a long time. This is the first Welcome Book that I'd actually want to read myself.

Jaymes I, Cox Store Sales Rep

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