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Elliott Jets


Brand Collateral


My Contribution

When you think "private aircraft brokerage," you probably imagine a certain degree of sophistication and luxury. Elliott Jets' sales collateral, however, was seemingly more at home on the Classifieds board of a small-town diner than the desk of a Fortune 500 CEO. 

$10MM products, $10 materials

Elliott knew they needed help with revitalizing their aging brand, but they admitted that their in-house team wasn't really capable of reinventing the look on their own.

Oof. Client wanted a higher-end feel with a loftier tone of voice, but they needed us to show them what that would look like.

We also put together some spec magazine ads to show Elliott the logical next step in their brand evolution. Client loved the work so much that they ordered a whole set and ran them all in a trade pub in the next financial quarter.

Wow. I didn't realize Elliott was capable of looking this sophisticated.

Todd J, Elliott Jets Sales VP

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