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Less Is Better Challenge


My Contribution

Every year, Hayward attends a big trade show in Atlantic City to show off their latest innovations to thousands of pool professionals from around the country. And every year, Hayward was stumped why it seemed like no one was visiting their booth. 

Maybe...try something different

When we first engaged them for the project, Hayward's solution was to give away more branded water bottles or enter attendees into a raffle or something — you know, the first thought of every symposium booth operator ever. That year, they were also excited about their new AquaRite salt sanitization system, so they were looking for something that could really celebrate the product launch. So maybe, they thought, we could give out really salty pretzels at the booth?

We built a custom 8-bit game cabinet instead.

The idea for the game was pretty simple: two players race to dump digital bags of salt into a pool. First one to fill up their sanitization system wins. But because AquaRite's whole thing is that it requires a third of the salt of the competition, is it any wonder who will win? Both players start on even footing, but first person to grab the AquaRite powerup basically got a 3x speed boost. Hey wow, a product pitch and an attention-grabbing game in one.

And because no self-respecting arcade game would be caught dead without a soundtrack, I got the opportunity to write a looping track to accompany it:

Less Is Better
00:00 / 02:41

No way! They have a video game?!?

Rick R, Event Attendee

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